These questions can help calculate how much anxiety and stress you have in your life. This is meant for educational purposes only, and is not in any way a diagnosis, nor does it replace your healthcare provider’s professional assessment.
Select the answer that best describes your current feelings. Do not think too long about the answers.
I feel tense or “tight”
A. Most of the time
B. A lot of the time
C. From time to time; occasionally
D. Not at all
I dwell on events that bother me even when I don't want to think about them
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. A little bit
D. Never
Worrying thoughts go through my mind
A. A great deal of the time
B. A lot of the time
C. From time to time but not too often
D. Only occasionally
I can sit at ease and feel relaxed
A. Hardly ever
B. Not very often
C. Sometimes
D. Often
I get worried and have “butterflies” in my stomach
A. Very often
B. Quite often
C. Sometimes
D. Hardly ever
I feel restless and like I have to be on the move
A. All the time
B. Quite a lot
C. Not very much
D. Not at all
I feel stress levels quickly going up
A. Very often
B. Quite often
C. Not very often
D. Not at all
I feel “wrung out” by the end of the day
A. Very often
B. Quite often
C. Not very often
D. Not at all
3 | Points for each answer | A |
2 | Points for each answer | B |
1 | Points for each answer | C |
0 | Points for each answer | D |
0-8 Points Generally low level; may need occasional support in stressful circumstances for short periods.
9-14 Points Medium level; daily support for longer periods, especially during stressful events.
15-24 Points High level; daily ongoing support recommended.